Castleview School

Year Six Homework Page

 As this week has been Children's Mental Health Awareness Week, your homework this weekend is to:

Create a poster about what mental health means to you.  Link it to the feelings of happiness, positive thinking and being kind.  We expect your poster to be finished to a Year 6 standard, coloured and meaningful.  This is due in for Wednesday 12th February.

Below are some examples:

Darrington CE Primary School - Posters to Support Mental Health and  Well-BeingPositive Mental Health Check-In Posters - Wall Art UK | Ubuy

Please also find this weeks Spellings.

We will test each list each week (List 9 will be Friday 14th February)
Spring 1 Weekly Spellings

Have a great weekend! 
Year 6 Team


Year 5 Reading ListYear 6 Reading List

Polite reminder:

Please find a schedule for the children's homework on a weekly basis.

Monday - SPAG homework set on Atom Learning due for Wednesdays

Tuesday + Thursday - Reading homework (diaries to be signed for next days)

Wednesday - Maths homework set on Atom Learning due for Fridays

Friday and Weekend homework - Science or Topic related (set on website and verbally discussed with children on a Friday typically due in for Mondays) 

Thank you for your continued support.

Maths Passports

We will leave all your Passports below so you can refer to them should you wish: 

Globetrotter Passport
The Lost Island Passport
Atlantis Passport
Space Station Passport
Mercury Passport


Please find attached the Year 6 SATS workshop documents below:

Year 6 SATS Workshop

Writing Criteria + Exemplification

Please find attached the PGL information below:

PGL Information


For any queries for which you would like to communicate with the teachers, please leave a message in your child's Home School Book.
Alternatively, our email addresses are below: