Castleview School

Nursery Homework page




Friday 30th June 2023

 Hello everyone! Welcome to Nursery's homework page. This page will be updated weekly, explaining what the children have been learning about throughout the week, what they will be focusing on in the upcoming week as well as a short homework activity for them to complete over the week, which will help consolidate their learning from the week. 

This week.

This week in Nursery, we have been continuing with our end product books, using oil pastels to create our special flags. We have also been experimenting with different objects to see which ones we can get to float and sink in water. We weighed objects first and discussed how they felt, using vocabulary such as; Heavy and light. We then put the objects in to water to see what would happen. The children discussed the reasoning behind heavy objects sinking to the bottom and light objects floating at the top.


Next week.


Next week, we will be drawing continuing with our end product books, drawing pictures of our family and those special to us. We will also begin practicing our planned activities for our Sports day. Can I please remind parents that school will be closed on Monday due to an Inset day.


 Have a turn at weighing different objects around your house, can you child describe how different objects feel.


Message to parents

Now the weather is warming up, please can I ask that children come into Nursery wearing sun cream and with a LABELLED sun hat. Children also welcome to wear shorts or summer dresses as part of their uniform in the hot weather. Please refrain from allowing children to bring in sun glasses as these can easily get lost or broken and are not allowed to be worn during their play as they pose a health and safety risk. A reminder to please label all of your children’s clothes and belongings to prevent any of their belongings getting lost.


Please ensure you child has a bag of spare clothes within school. So, that if they get wet while enjoying water play we are able to change them. This bag and all clothes inside should be LABELLED and placed on your child's peg.


We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

The Nursery Team


Nursery Parent Workshop 2023