Castleview School Governing Body is made up of:
- 9 Governors appointed by the Members
- 2 Parent Governors
- Head Teacher
The Clerk to the Governors takes the Minutes at the full Governing Body and Committee meetings and is the point of contact for the Governing Body at the school address, or can be contacted via email:-
The Governing Body currently has two Committees which meet termly:
Standards including curriculum and progress
Resources including Finance, Personnel and Premises
The Pay and Review committee meet annually.
Castleview School is a member of the Kederminster Education Trust, an umbrella trust made up of Castleview, Ryvers School and Langley Grammar School. The Governors have overall responsibility for the strategic management of the school, in conjunction with the Headteacher. Their highest priority is the provision of an effective, happy school, where children can achieve his or her full potential.
The information on governance included in the table below supplements that described in the Trustees’ Report and in the Statement of Trustees’ Responsibilities. The board of trustees has formally met 4 times during the 12 month period. Attendance during the year at full governing body meetings of the board of trustees is included in the table.

Chair of Governors
Ms Mehrunissa Shah
Castleview School
Woodstock Avenue