Castleview School


In Year 6, to encourage the children to be more responsible, they have the chance to become a prefect for half a term. Prefects carry out duties across the school and are chosen by the teachers, but it is hoped that every child will be given the opportunity to become one by the end of the year. Due to our year group 'bubbles' this term, prefects have not been elected but we are thinking of new and alternative ways for Year 6 prefects to resume in the Spring term. The role of the prefects is to be a link between the teachers and the children, as well as taking on other responsibilities around the school. These include office duties, looking after the library and the assembly and corridor duties. The children are encouraged to be responsible for their roles, enabling them to become more independent and to make decisions.

Year 6 elect a Head Boy and Head Girl to represent our school. They are role models at Castleview and have important tasks in school such as showing visitors around and supporting children. The Head Boy and Head Girl remain in their role for a whole year, during which time they are helped by their deputies who are elected termly.

Hello, I have been selected as the Head Boy for Castleview School. I was chosen because I hold leadership skills and my friends see me as a kind, supportive and sociable person. I would like to improve the school by letting everyone have a voice and be heard. I want to support our school and keep everyone happy and to keep the school a safe place to be. I feel that everyone’s mental and physical health is very important, especially in this current situation. I believe that the School Advocates should collaborate more to help benefit the school. I will work hard to bring everyone together and provide helpful ideas. Thank you for your trust in me.

Hello, I am the Head Girl for Castleview School. I was chosen because I have good leadership qualities, and I am kind, sympathetic and considerate. I would like to bring to the school more physical and mental health support and make it an even friendlier atmosphere. Most importantly, I want to make the school a happy place for all learners, and ensure that everyone loves it here. 

Hi, I’m Deputy Head Boy for Castleview School. I was selected because I am supportive and have excellent leadership qualities. I want to improve the school by making it a more enjoyable learning environment. I also would like the school to be happy and safe, as well as ensuring I promote pupils’ voices to make positive changes to the school. 

Hello, I am Deputy Head Girl for Castleview School. I have earnt this role because it has been my dream ever since I found out about it. I was voted as a School Advocate because I include everybody’s ideas and have good leadership qualities. The people close to me know me as a kind and supportive person. Whenever anyone is upset I always find a way to cheer them up. One of my ideas to improve the school is to provide mental health areas to allow children/adults to unwind..